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Science for Kids B, Teacher’s Book - Sample pages

                                                                                                          Colour in
                   Unit 3                       Food and
                                                  ood and
                                                F F F
                                                  ood and
                                                  ood and

                                                F Food and ood and

                   Food and              UnitUnit 33  Exercise
                   Exercise                                                        Colour in
                                                                                   Colour in
                                                                                   Colour in
                   LEARNING OBJECTIVES OF UNIT 3

                    •  Sort di erent kinds of food into food
                    •  Recognise di erent meals of the day.

                    •  Di erentiate healthy from unhealthy food.
                    •  Recognise four types of exercise.
                    •  Identify healthy and unhealthy habits.
                   FLASHCARDS OF THE UNIT
                    breakfast, dairy, dinner, fruit, grain, healthy
                    food, healthy habit, jump, lunch, protein,
                    ride, run, swim, unhealthy food, unhealthy
                    habit, vegetable
                   RESOURCES OF THE UNIT
                    Colour in, RP shopping basket, RS fruit,
                    RS grain, RP breakfast, RS lunch, RS dinner,
                    RP healthy food, RS healthy food,   38 38 38
                    RS unhealthy food, RP riding, RS run,
                    RS jump, RP healthy habits, RS healthy
                    habit, RS unhealthy habit, Colour in
                    Special People-Louis Pasteur
                   MATERIALS OF THE UNIT  > >   What does food give us?
                                           Is it better to eat healthy food or
                    A4 pieces of paper, coloured pencils, glue,
                                         unhealthy food? Why?
                    glue for crafts, pencils, pieces of coloured   >   Why do we exercise? Does it help us?
                    card, play dough, scissors, toothpicks
                                        >   Do we need exercise?
                   Lesson Plan          Colour in activity
                                        •  Ask Ss to turn to page 39.
                   What you will need:
                   Materials: coloured pencils  •  Provide each S with coloured pencils, and
                                        ask them to colour in the picture.
                   Talk about the picture.  •  Give Ss some time to do the activity.
                   •  Have Ss open their book at page 38.  Note: You can photocopy page 41 of the TB, or
                   •  Draw Ss’ attention to the picture, and ask   print the page from the TR CD-ROM and give it to
                   them to say what they see (fruit, a girl   Ss to colour in. You can keep the drawings in the
                   hanging from two rings).  portfolio of each S, in class, until the end of the
                   •  Discuss what this picture brings to mind with   school year.
                   the whole class.
                   •  Ask Ss questions such as the ones below to
                   help them understand the importance of
                   nutrition and exercise:
                 40                                                  ©      41
                  Lesson 3.1                                                                             Lesson 3.1
                                                                                     Lesson 3.1
                                                                                     Lesson 3.1
                                                                                     Lesson 3.1
                                          Lesson 3.1
                                          Lesson 3.1
                                          Lesson 3.1
                                          Lesson 3.1
                                          Lesson 3.1
                                          Lesson 3.1
                                                                    Activity 2
                                                                    Activity 2  Draw lines to match.
                                                                    Activity 2
                   Activity 1                                                              >   Do you eat vegetables every day? Which is
                                           Activity 1  Look at the pictures.Look at the pictures.  your favourite vegetable?
                                           Activity 1Activity 1
                   What you will need:
                   Flashcards: dairy, fruit, grain, protein,                    protein    >   Do you eat fruit every day? Which is your
                                                                                            favourite fruit?
                   Resources (TR CD-ROM): RP shopping                                     Draw lines to match.
                    basket                                                                •  Draw Ss’ attention to page 41.
                   Materials: A4 pieces of paper, glue, scissors                          •  Provide each S with a pencil.
                                                                                          •  Explain to Ss that they should draw a line
                   Look at the pictures.                                         grains    to match each picture on the left with the
                   •  Have Ss open their book at page 40.                                  correct word/s on the right.
                   •  Draw Ss’ attention to the pictures, and ask   proteinprotein  grainsgrains  •  Give Ss some time to do the activity.
                   them to say what they see (a boy, di erent                                   Draw lines to match.

                   kinds of food, fi sh, meat, bread, vegetables,                           ⚿
                   cheese, milk, fruit, etc.).
                   •  Draw Ss’ attention to the picture, and                   fruit and vegetables   protein protein
                   starting from the top left, explain to Ss
                   what each group is called. Make sure you
                   point to each group with your fi nger while                                         grains grains
                   •  Explain to Ss that the group of proteins   dairyy  fruit and vegetablesfruit and vegetables  dairy
                   contains all types of meat (e.g. chicken), fi sh
                   (e.g. tuna) and eggs. Τhe group of grains
                                                                                                     fruit and vegetables
                   contains all types of food made from fl our,   40 40 40              41 41 41      fruit and vegetables
                   rice, oats or cereal (e.g. bread, pasta, etc.).
                   The group of fruit and vegetables contains
                   fresh fruit (e.g. bananas, apples, etc.), fresh
                   vegetables (e.g. lettuce, peppers, etc.), frozen                                   dairy dairy
                   vegetables (e.g. frozen spinach), canned   Ss should be careful when using scissors.  Activity 2
                   vegetables (e.g. canned carrots), and dried
                   vegetables (e.g. dried mushrooms). The group   •  Ask Ss to cut out the pieces, put them in the   What you will need:  Resource Sheet
                   of dairy products contains foods made from   correct order and then glue them on the A4   Materials: pencils  •  Ask Ss to turn to page 42.
                   milk (e.g. cheese, yogurt, etc.).  piece of paper.                     •  Show Ss how to hold the pencil correctly in
                                        •  Give Ss some time to do the activity.  Ask questions and discuss.
                   Flashcard game                                    •  Explain to Ss that di erent food groups   order to write.

                   •  Have Ss sit in a circle.  ⚿                     provide us with di erent nutrients. It is   •  Ask Ss to trace the word ‘fruit’.

                   •  Show the fl ashcards to Ss, say the word of      important that we eat the right amount of   •  Give Ss some time to do the activity.
                   each fl ashcard, and have Ss repeat it after        food from all groups to be healthy.   Note: You can photocopy page 44 of the TB, or print
                   you. Place the fl ashcards on the fl oor or on a    •  Ask Ss questions such as the ones below to
                   fl at surface so that all Ss can see each image.                         the page from the TR CD-ROM and give it to Ss to

                   Name foods such as ‘milk’, ‘steak’, ‘apple’,       help them understand whether they eat a   fill in. You can keep the RS in the portfolio of each S,
                                                                      combination of all food groups. Encourage
                   ‘lettuce’ and have Ss point to the fl ashcard                            in class, until the end of the school year.
                   that shows the group each food belongs to.         Ss to use the words ‘proteins’, ‘dairy’,
                   •  Give Ss some time to do the activity.           ‘grains’, ‘fruit and vegetables’:
                                                                      >   Do you eat dairy products every day?
                   Resource Picture activity                           Which is your favourite dairy product?
                   •  Provide each S with the RP shopping basket,     >   Do you eat protein every day? Which is
                   an A4 piece of paper, some glue and                 your favourite protein?
                   scissors.                                          >   Do you eat grains every day? Which is your
                                                                       favourite grain?
                 42                                                                                           43
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