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Science for Kids A, Teacher’s Book - Sample pages


                         A2 pieces   A4 pieces   clothes peg  coloured   cotton wool
                         of paper  of paper         pencils

                        crepe paper  eye stickers fi nger paints  fl ower  glitter glue
                                                                             a list of the necessary
                                                                             materials is presented
                                                                             at the back of the book

                          glue    ice lolly   leaves  magnifying   mirror
                                   sticks            glass

                        ornaments  pencil   plants   ribbon  scissors

                         seashell  string  wafer paper
                                                             Useful Vocabulary
                                                             Useful V
                                                             Useful V
                                                            activity     something that people do in a day  decorate     to use colours or materials such as
                                                            a ect   to change something    pom-poms, buttons or ribbons to make

                                                            alike     when something is about the same as   something nice
                                                                  something else     depend on     because of
                                                            appreciation   something you feel that shows your   describe     to write or say what someone or
                                                                  love                     something is like
                                                            appropriate  that is the right thing  desert     a hot place with no water, plants, trees
                                                            assign     to give someone something to do

                                                            balanced     when there are the right number of   di erent     that is not the same as something else
                                                                  animals and plants   dig    to move the soil and make space to
                                                            beat     to make a sound again and again like   put a plant or make an animal’s house
                                                                  a clock            dirty   not clean
                                                            beetroot     a small, round, dark red root of a plant   dishwasher     the machine we use to clean plates,
                                                                  that people eat as a vegetable  cups, etc.
                                                            birth     when a baby or a baby animal is born  draw     to make a picture with pencils, pens,
                                                            breath     the air that comes into and out of our   etc.
                                                                  lungs              during     being the time from the start to the
                                                            bright   having a lot of light  end of something
                                                            carton     a box we use for orange juice, milk etc.   ecosystem     a place on the Earth and all the
                                                                  made of hard paper       animals and plants in that place

                                                            circle     to use a pencil, pen, etc. to make a line   element     the di erent things in a picture
                                                                  all around something  emphasise     to show Ss that something is very
                                                            colour in     to draw blue, red, yellow, etc. in a   important
                                                                  picture            exercise     to do things like run, walk, swim, etc.
                                                            colourful     with many colours  explain     to say or write something in a way that
                                                            combination   two or more things mixed together  is easy for someone to understand
                                                            compare     to say the things that are the same   family    a person who is in a family
                                                                  about two things or people
                                                            complete     to put in the things that you need to   fl  at    being something like the fl oor or a
                                                                  fi nish something         table
                                                            connect to     to draw a line to put two things   fold     to move the top of a piece of paper
                                                                                           next to the bottom and push it along
                                  a vocabulary section            together, e.g. in a picture to show who   the middle of the paper
                                  for extra help for the          the people are in a family, who are the   frame     something made of metal, wood, etc.
                                                                  parents, the children, etc.
                                                                                           that we put a photo in
                                  teacher                   continously     without stopping  get out     to leave a place
                                                                    to not stop doing something
                                                            contrast     to say the things that are di erent   guess     to say the weather you think we will

                                                                  between two things or people  have tomorrow
                                                            core   the body of something  healthy   something good for your body
                                                            correct     that is the right word, picture or thing  hold up   to keep something straight up
                                                            cut out     to use scissors to make pieces of   hole     something like a room under the soil in
                                                                                           which an animal lives
                                                            daily life     the things people do every day  ill    being someone that does not feel well
                                                            dark   not light         imagine     to think of a picture or have an idea of
                                                                                           something in your head
                                                            decide     to choose how you will do something
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